Panteia Forecasts Featured in SBB's Web Application
Panteia has contributed to the dashboard "Atlas mbo en arbeidsmarkt" (Atlas for Vocational Education and the Labour Market), an initiative by Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven (Cooperation Organisation for Vocational Education, Training, and the Labour Market, SBB).
Launched six months ago, this dashboard provides educational data on all MBO (vocational) programmes, such as enrolment numbers, graduate figures (on national, regional, and institutional levels), and trends over the past five years. The interactive dashboard allows users to select specific programmes, providing a graphical summary of key data for each programme, broken down by Beroeps Begeleidende Leerweg (Work-Based Learning Pathway, BBL) and Beroeps Opleidende Leerweg (School-Based Pathway, BOL).
A key feature of the dashboard is the inclusion of forecasts for the number of job vacancies suitable for vocational graduates holding a specific diploma. These forecasts were developed by a team of Panteia researchers as part of the project “Toekomstgerichte Arbeidsmarktinformatie MBO” (Future-Oriented Labour Market Information for Vocational Education), which Panteia conducts for SBB.
According to Melanie de Ruiter of SBB, "The Atlas mbo en arbeidsmarkt has been very positively received by the target audience. Additionally, significant efforts are underway to further enhance the dashboard."
The dashboard (in Dutch) can be found here.