Martin Clarke

+31 (0)79-322 22 61
Martin Clarke is a senior researcher at Panteia, mostly working on internationally orientated studies and projects. His area of work is relatively diverse due to the broad nature of the organisation’s international activities and therefore he has experience in a number of policy backgrounds. As a native English speaker, he is also involved in the quality assurance process at Panteia.
Martin has worked extensively for the EU institutions such as the European Commission (DG EAC, DG EMPL, DG RTD, DG MOVE) and its agencies (such as Eurofound and EU-OSHA), the European Parliament, the European Central Bank, as well as other regional, national and international clients. Martin has a great deal of experience in a wide range of policy areas in the fields of social and economic research, including (but not limited to) working conditions, occupational safety and health, SMEs, diversity and inclusion, education, entrepreneurship, and social security. Martin has also been active in research relating to the European transport sector for EU level clients.
Martin has been extensively involved in European cultural policy over the past years and coordinated the European Expert Network on Culture and Audiovisual (EENCA), which was established on behalf of DG EAC of the European Commission. He has been a lead researcher in multiple studies for DG EAC, covering a wide range of topics such as music sector policy, cultural heritage, cultural tourism, cultural funding, cultural sector data, the status of artists, intellectual property and copyright, and gender equality in the cultural and creative sectors.
Martin is also experienced in carrying out evaluation studies and impact assessments for the European Commission and its agencies, working specifically with the EU Better Regulation Guidelines. Martin Clarke holds a master’s degree in European Law from the University of Maastricht and is experienced in conducting EU wide legal analysis in the context of various projects.