Data & Analytics
Panteia’s Data & Analytics team approach research questions from the perspective of data, ICT and automation. The idea behind this is that data increasingly forms the basis for conducting research and consultancy. An approach that is (partly) based on good data can unlock a multitude of useful information. This concerns different types of data and data processing, which are explained in more detail below. In close cooperation with the domain knowledge available in the Transport & Mobility team and the Society & Economy team, our data and analytics experts provide unique added value to our clients. We analyse data on the basis of content and market knowledge; based on the information requirement, we examine what data is available and how it can best be analysed in order to answer the research and evaluation-questions. Below we explain our expertise with different aspects of data.
Panteia’s Data Eco System
Panteia has a wealth of national and international data, which are stored in our Data Eco System and from which our Data Scientists can derive valuable insights by intelligently combining and linking the data. We use a fixed data storage and processing structure and let our models and tools ‘run’ on the data, with the additional possibility of making this data available directly to our clients.
Panteia has considerable expertise in deploying web applications and creating and managing dashboards. A dashboard is a visual representation of data, which can be viewed in real time and therefore always shows the most up-to-date information. We also use this technique to monitor quality labels, such as ‘Blik op Werk’ (instrument for assessing reintegration organisations). This allows customer and employee satisfaction to be tracked in real time.
In addition, we produce APIs, which is code to transfer data in real time for the benefit of (external) applications and with which we make processed, cleaned and validated data available to our clients.
Big Data
As individuals, we leave behind active and passive traces, which can be stored in the form of data. An active trace is, for example, the completion of a survey, a registration, or a payment. However, individuals also leave passive traces behind. For example, public transport companies register who has used a means of transport at a particular time, and cameras show when someone is present in a room. All these traces together lead to a more and more extensive database. The term Big Data refers not only to this superabundance of data, but also to the possibility of generating information from it that is used for policy and legislation, for example. By combining different data and processing them on a large scale, a world of possibilities opens up. Panteia’s added value is that we are in an excellent position to make this transition from lots of data to useful information for clients.
Monitors and knowledge portals
With its own developers Panteia produces various monitors and knowledge portals, for professional organisations among others. Many professional organisations regularly need information about the performance of the sector and its members. This mainly concerns information about turnover and turnover development, employment and the composition of the workforce. Panteia builds these monitors and often makes use of the microdata from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) Panteia is one of the few research agencies that has access to these (secured) microdata and has a lot of knowledge of the possibilities to use these data to distil up-to-date and reliable statistics and insights. We report the results in many different ways, from PFDs to interactive reports. Additionally, we also have long term experience with working with data from national statistical offices in other European countries and international data sources such Eurostat.
Machine Learning
Machine Learning is the technique of using (big) data to ‘teach’ computers to make predictions (what would someone like to buy, is a person suitable for a job, what will tomorrow’s turnover be?). Our clients have an ever increasing need to use data as an extra production factor in order to gain insight and to support their (business) processes. Panteia helps to substantiate and implement these wishes. Our domain researchers are experts in their field and our technical staff and econometricians are specialised in processing (big) data and using Machine Learning techniques.