Menno Menist
Menno Menist is Director International & Transport at Panteia. He has over 30 years of experience in research and consultancy, as well as in training in the field of transport (both passenger and freight). His background as an econometrician has proven to be very useful during a lot of projects in his career. Menno has been working in almost all countries of the European Union (and many countries outside the European Union) in all modes of land transport (freight and passenger). During all these years and projects he has built up a very extensive European network of experts in the field of transport policy, at the various national governments and with many private companies all over Europe. Leading principle in his work is that transport and mobility should contribute to the welfare of the citizens.
Menno has extensive experience in forecasting and optimising freight and passenger transport in Europe, for all modes. Since 2014 he is deeply involved in the TEN-T corridor studies of DG MOVE, in content and in a coordinating role in the 8 corridors in which Panteia is involved. Menno has become one of the leading experts in improving the sustainability of supply chains and the greening of the corridors. Currently he is heavily involved in implementing the first SUMP in Izmir and in reducing emissions in cities by accelerating the transition of the various fleets in combination with access to sufficient green fuels.
In addition, Menno is an experienced trainer, speaker and moderator, both for (high level) policy audiences and for (high level) private sector audiences. He has been involved in the organisation and preparation of seminars, network sessions, brainstorm sessions, training programmes, in the Netherlands, in Brussels and in many other places. Menno is fluent in English and has a working knowledge of German and French.