Servé Hermens
Servé Hermens is working for Panteia since 2021 as a researcher and consultant on the subject of Transport and Mobility. Servé is trained as a Civil Engineer and has a broad interest in mobility, spatial development, computers and data. At Panteia, he is mainly involved in traffic modelling, monitoring and data collection, analysis and modeling within research and projects in the field of passenger and freight transport. Servé has a lot of experience with traffic data and various types of tooling to collect, process and analyze the data. He has gained this experience and has applied it in many traffic studies. Both at a strategic level (such as MIRT and EIA studies and planning approval procedures) to an operational level (such as evaluations of traffic measures and drawing up traffic control scenarios).
Serve is analytical, critical and result-oriented. He likes to indulge into the (technical) details of a subject and data in order to extract useful information from it and make it accessible to a wide audience. Policymakers should be able to make the right choices based on this information. In addition to being a consultant in the field of transport and mobility, Servé has also worked in IT and has experience as a Test Engineer.