EU-OSHA study on 'Accommodation and food service activities - Evidence from the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER)'
EU-OSHA has published the results of a study on ‘Accommodation and food service activities - Evidence from the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER)’, which was carried out by Panteia and IKEI Research & Consultancy.
The Accommodation and Food and Beverage Services (AFBS) sector covers a wide range of different sectors including hotels, pubs, cafés, restaurants, contract caterers in various industrial and commercial premises, fast-food takeaways, and bistros. Workers in the AFBS sector are faced with a number of occupational safety and health (OSH) hazards, such as ergonomic risks, temperature and air pollutants, slips/trips/falls, dangerous substances, and safety risks. Additionally, they are exposed to a number of psychosocial risks, including continuous contact with customers and high workload and time pressure to meet tight deadlines at peak times.
The study looks at the various OSH management practices in the sector (including risk management practices, preventative measures, training on OSH), the main drivers and barriers for OSH management in the sector, and worker participation in OSH management practices. In the context of the study, Panteia analysed data from the 2019 European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER), which is conducted every 5 years by EU-OSHA. This was complemented by desk research and interviews at the European level, as well as in three Member States (The Netherlands, Spain, and Hungary). The report highlights sector-specific measures to improve risk management, including employee participation, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The final study can be found here.